All sales organizations are different.
Some companies utilize automated dialers while others operate through the calling system in their CRM. Either way, BBL helps provide your outsourced sales agents with a US based phone line so that your future customers don’t even know they are outsourced!
The most important tool for telemarketers is your company’s customer relationship management (CRM) software. The CRM stores data about existing and potential customers, and allows your team to keep a record of every customer interaction. This is especially important when you’re outsourcing telemarketing functions – because all the information is right at their fingertips and always up to date.
The biggest advantage to outsourcing your lead generation is not only the cost savings but the dedicated, passionate sales agents that are hunters, motivated by commissions.

Industries well suited to telemarketing include:
- Financial services, credit cards and insurance
- Utilities
- Telecommunications and internet service providers
- Wine sales
- Charities and fundraising
- Marketing research and lead generation.
Don’t be concerned if candidates do not know the specific ins and outs of your CRM. Most companies have custom built CRMs. All CRMs roughly work in the same way and your telemarketing specialist will quickly adjust to your specific CRM.
Tips for employing outsourced sales agents in El Salvador
- The minimum amount of time to hire a telemarketing specialist is 4 weeks. As is normal in sales, employees with natural sales skills are in high demand.
- A telemarketer’s sales skills are transferable to any industry, so you don’t need to be concerned if your favorite candidate hasn’t worked in your particular industry. An experienced telemarketer can adapt quickly to the sales processes of any business.
- If you specifically need a telemarketer who is an expert in your particular field, it can take time to find the right local person, and they may expect a higher salary.
- As in any sales environment, a commission-based incentive system is expected by telemarketers.

Example of Employee Profiles for Telemarketing Specialist
- Salesforce
- Office 365 Platforms
- Internal Custom CRM Platforms
Recent Roles
- Sales Manager at Sirius XM
- Business Sales Advisor for Dell
- Small Business Advisor for Google Maps